Office Hours with Dr. Guy: Episode 2 - Ch 1, Lit Review, ABD

In this episode, I focus on research topics, theoretical framework, and how to not be a student that never finishes your dissertation.

What’s up in this episode?
2:03 – How do I start chapter 1?
4:58 – How do I write the literature review in the least drafts possible?
9:27 – How do I make progress after being ABD for so long?

Links mentioned in this episode:

This is an experiment based upon the feedback I’ve received from my long-time subscribers and clients. In “Office Hours with Dr. Guy” I’m taking your questions and answering them in these short videos. There are lots of videos out there about how to write a dissertation. I’ve made some of the most trafficked videos regarding the dissertation on the web! This video is for people that want to more regularly engage with the dissertation in a shorter form of video. Hope you like. If you keep sending questions in the comments, I’ll keep making this show.


Guy E. White, Ed.D. is the founder of The Dissertation Mentor® and has helped doctoral candidates from around the globe to finish their dissertations. His step-by-step, break-it-down style has made him greatly sought after for guidance on the web and beyond.

“Office Hours with Dr. Guy” teaches doctoral candidates how to write a dissertation (and finish) so they can graduate. Leave a question in the comments section to get it answered.

Dr. Guy speaks publicly on many topics including dissertation writing, creativity, ideation, and building vibrant educational communities.

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